Get A Slideshow Desktop Background
I've been wanting to create a background slideshow on my Ubuntu desktop. But, I don't know how. When I check on one of the default slideshow background available --the 'cosmos--, I found that there's an xml file within that folder which control the slideshow.
When I opened the file, "Wow!", I was surprised. I couldn't edit or copy that file to make my own slideshow, it was too complex especially because I wanted to add many image for my background slideshow.
So, I look over to internet and ask good-ol'-uncle Google. I found several ways to do that from several websites--mostly from Ubuntu Forum.
There's the resume I gathered from those websites.
The Repository
The first one is of course to search into the repository. There are several application for this, I haven't got the chance to test them all. Also, some of the application recommended by forum members are there anymore. I could name a few: drapes, gbackground, wallpaper, and wally. I installed gbackground though, it works great. I'll make a review on gbackground if I have the time.
Manual Script
This one is actually an executable code provided by some generous Linux user out there. I have looked on to some and mostly coded in Python. For example, the one provided by Meithan.
PPA Repository
There are lots of application for Ubuntu distribution in which not supported officially by Ubuntu or put into Ubuntu's official repository by individual Ubuntu users and/or its community. One application that very good for creating background slideshow is Create Background Slideshow a.k.a. CreBS (hence, the name ^^). You can get a nice explanation on installing this application here.
Independent 'Contributor'
And last but not least, there are some --which I'd call-- independent application made by serious programmer which contribute to the community. One of them is Wallpapoz. It's a good application with a nice user-friendly graphical interface. Check this site for the installation guide.
And that's a wrap! That's all, folks.
Have it a try and enjoy your slideshow desktop background ^^