Have You Try to Google Your Name?

Have you try to google your name? Wha..., google my name!?

I google my web-name (I don't think pen name is correct for internet) today and I returned a lots of result. More than 1000 entries! Yay! For someone like me, that's a lot.

Althought, since it's just a web-name a.k.a. short nickname, it did return some unrelated web-name from someone else.

But, above all, I found it useful to remind you of what you have done over the internet. I remember again the forum where I have posted replies or comment; thus, forums which I actually have registered with.

And also, I found my previous domains subbed under free domain service website. Even my old email account!

It's kinda nostalgic. But to think that there are other persons out there to have the same web-name, I feel kinda cautious. He or she might have account to certain websites that people find disturbing.

I also afraid that if my friends searched my web-name and found it within those websites, they might think I was not as they know I was and I've been lying to them.

Anyway, it was just for fun to google your name, if you friend ask you just tell them the truth. It's always good to be honest toward for friendship, isn't it?

How to Add Unique Tag to Your Blog Post

How to add unique meta tag to each of your blogger post.

I've been googling around this topic for a while and I found a lot of tips. Some of them you can read on:

  1. http://www.jackbook.com/seo-tips/how-to-get-on-the-first-place-on-google-search-engine-result-page
  2. http://www.bloggertricks.com/2008/08/how-to-add-different-meta-tags-to.html
In this post, I would like to show you how I implemented it on my blog.
  1. Firstly, go to your Blogger dashboard;
  2. Go to tab Layout;
  3. Click on Edit HTML;
  4. Locate this line: <head>;
  5. Add these lines below it:

    <b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>
    <meta content='SHORT DESCRIPTION' name='description'/>
    <meta content='COMMA-SEPARATED-WORDS' name='keywords'/>
    <meta content='YOUR-NAME' name='author'/>
    <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
    <meta expr:content='data:blog.pageName' name='Description'/>
    <b:if cond='data:blog.url == "http//www.abqorian.co.cc/"'>
    <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
    <title><data:blog.pageName/> | YOURSITENAME</title>
  6. That's all.


Feeling Able To and Able To Feel

Only in count of years, not century, the Islam since Rasulullah to Khaliph Utsman bin Affan have spread supremely. Not only its tauhid (Oneness/Monotheism) taught, but also on its claimed territory.

A Moslem scientist, Prof. Hamidullah has studied about this case in his research titled al Watha’iq as Siyahsiyya, tracked it very detail. In Rasulullah’s era, until 11 years after hijrah (moving to Medina), Islam has claimed not less then 1 million squared-mile. Whereas Khaliph Abu Bakar, which has ruled from year 11th to 13th Hijry, made an extra 200.000 squared-mile expansion. A very booming expansion happened in time of Khaliph Umar bin Khattab which expanded 1.500.000 squared-mile wide. Meanwhile, in Khaliph Utsman bin Affan’s era, the claimed territory about 800.000 squared-mile.

Without means to compare to other sahabat, Umar bin Khattab has done an outrageous expansion, in politic or akidah (religious creed). Because of this immensely oversize territory he gained , this khaliph stopped his expansion.
History recorded, that when the power was just so rising, but Umar bin Khattab just so afraid. Not afraid of loosing his power but afraid of Allah which then will ask responsibility of every human. One day, Umar bin Khattab said to himself, “I was so scared. This land was so huge. And the thing I scared is the responsibility that I couldn’t give. How about if there is a camel lost in this land, hungry and then die. Surely, I will be asked for answer in later day”, as Umar mention the responsibility to himself.

Umar bin Khattab has given a very valuable lesson to history. He was not only ‘feeling able to’ but also ‘able to feel’ sometimes. A lots of us also ‘feeling able to’. In some point, of course it can give us a positive strength to produce a work, an advantage for human being. But in many cases, especially in history of man power, feeling able has brought a so destructive disaster. Not only the destruction of the rulers, but also to the ruled ones.

When ‘feeling able’ has dominated, the sense and the ability to feel will become blunt. And when the sense and the ability to feel has blunt, big responsibility has crushed. Instead of advantage, detriment will produced. Three main combination always needed by the ‘big man’. Which are the ability to hear, the ability to view future vision, and the ability to sense the signs. A sense, that keep heart and soul live and always whisper goodness, and truth. And we, must take those three as provision.

Image taken from Flickr through Google Image

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